Foam Rolling is a Self-Myofascial Release Technique (a fancy term for self-massage) that can be used on the entire body. A Foam Roller is literally as it sounds a roll of foam! WHY DO WE FOAM ROLL?
Research shows that foam rolling has many benefits such as relief of muscular tightness or trigger points (knots), aid in recovery post exercise, help muscles function ‘normally’ during activity by increasing blood flow to the area, and maintaining muscular elasticity and flexibility (stretchiness) to ultimately improve overall performance in time. And be warned, FOAM ROLLING CAN HURT!! Just like a really good deep tissue massage, foam rolling can be quite uncomfortable initially, but you’ll thank yourself later.
WHEN DO WE FOAM ROLL? Foam Rolling isn’t just for people with tight muscles. Foam Rolling is a great tool in your recovery process as research shows it can help decrease the level of post exercise soreness (DOMS) experienced. While there is no hard evidence to suggest foam rolling pre workout increases athletic performance, it has been documented that using a foam roller as part of your warm up routine does not negatively affect performance (as some stretching can, stay tuned for my stretching blog and video!) and can help increase blood flow and flexibility. Foam Rolling isn’t something just performed in clinics or gyms, this is a handy tool you can use in the comfort of your own home.
HOW TO: When foam rolling any area of the body, you simply begin at one end of the muscle belly, and gently roll through. If you find any knots or ‘sore spots’ in the muscle belly, hang around on that spot for 10-15 seconds, then move on to the next body part. Each area or muscle should only be rolled for 2- 3 minutes at a time, as it is possible to overdo it!